Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Little Behind the Times

Frozen. I JUST saw this movie last night. I know, I know... In my defense, I don't have kids and I'm 34 years old. 

You know there was a whole hoopla about this movie, right? I read a blog that my sister-in-law told me about where the 'Well Behaved Mormon Woman' tore Frozen to pieces, saying that it was nothing but pro-homosexual propaganda. After reading a few more posts from her blog, it was clear that she was very anti-gay and wanted to push her views on as many people as she could. For me, the proof is in her blog title 'Well Behaved Mormon Woman' - there's a self-righteousness in it that turns my stomach. To be clearly vague though, my disgust isn't with this blogger, but with the term and how it has affected my life. I don't plan on using this blog as a forum to discuss my thoughts on homosexuality, same sex marriage, and the other issues being exploited in the media these days. I will state for the record, I believe that everyone has the right to love the person(s) of their choosing. If you want to dedicate your live to one person, who am I to say no? What right do I have to dictate someone else's happiness?

Back on topic - I hadn't seen the movie yet so I reserved judgement. Now that I have seen it, I have to say the following: You can see whatever you want in anything you want but that doesn't mean it's actually there. I saw no evidence of this whatsoever. If I dug in a little, I can see how the song 'Let It Go' could be construed towards that topic, but it could just as easily be about ugliness, bullying, feeling like an outsider, or really anything else. In fact, I feel that it's really an anthem that belongs to anyone who feels like an outsider, despite the reasons behind those feelings. 


Let's all try to see things in context: It's Disney folks! Why do we have to search for hidden meaning in everything? Why can't we just take it at face-value? For me, the movie had a couple of clear themes. 1 - Accept yourself for who you are and let others see you. Be PROUD of who you are and what you can do. You are capable of great things if only you try. 2 - Women are capable of saving themselves, they don't need a man to do it. True love exists in many forms! The bonds of sisterhood (or brotherhood, or siblinghood or parenthood) are just as strong. 

Now I'm not an idiot - I realize that my previous paragraph can sound like I too might be thinking the movie is a big advertisement as the WBMW says in her blog, but - would it it read that way if I hadn't previously mentioned it? I don't think it would. Not if you didn't already have that floating around in the back of your mind.

Think about this: 
  • Cinderella was a simpering girl who snuck out of the house to go and meet a boy.
  • Snow White was an obstinate child who did the exact opposite of everything her adult supervisors told her not to do.
  • Mulan was a run-away cross-dresser.
  • Jasmine, while beautiful, was slutty and knew how to work a room.
  • Ariel sold her soul to the devil because she lusted after a guy she saw from a distance.
See what I'm saying? It's all in how you want to view something - positive attitude or finding hidden meaning.

My absolute favorite example of perception: 

Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again.

Wizard of Oz folks. Come on.

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