Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Winter Soldier

Comic books are for nerds. That's what I thought all growing up and into my 20s. I liked some of the movies (X-Men primarily), but I knew nothing of the characters and their backgrounds. Why? Because I'm not a comic book nerd. I'm a Star Trek nerd. More on that another time.

Well, I married a comic book nerd. Who has comic book nerd brothers. So I started getting dragged to Iron Man and The Hulk and Thor and Captain America. I liked some, I didn't like others. Mostly I didn't like Captain America. It was nerdy and not easy for me to follow. When Avengers came to theaters I did my little dance of 'You go without me, I don't have any desire to see it', but of course I got dragged along. We ended up seeing it 4 times. In the theater. And at least 2 of those times were because of me. It was that good. It made me reevaluate all of the other movies. Suddenly I really liked the two Iron Man films, and was excited to see the 3rd Iron Man when it came out. Thor 2 was another one I was looking forward to, but J went and saw that with his brother while I was at work. When it came out on Blu-Ray though, I was the one who bought it.

Captain America - The Avengers did little to improve Captain America for me. He was just so much...less. Less awesome. Less everything. As J says, he's weak-sauce. I had no desire. Less than no desire to see Captain America - The Winter Soldier. I had a headache when I left work and considered showing up for the movie and then leaving because I just couldn't handle the noise. I found some Tylenol in my purse and sucked it up. It was important to J and his brother, and my little niece Annabelle was there too. That was adorable - a daddy-daughter date and she was so excited.

I want to see it again. It was so good! Captain A was awesome, the character development was so much better than the first film, and I was drawn into the Marvel Universe and did something I've never done before - I asked QUESTIONS. Who is that character? Why is this significant? OMG does this guy DIE??? It was insane! well, maybe not insane, but I may be becoming a comic nerd after all.

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