Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sometimes you just know

It's gonna be one of those days. Today was just such a day. I was ripped from sleep when J came home. I felt like I'd been drugged. In truth I'd taken valerian root last night which is probably why I felt so tired. Anyways, that's when I knew. Today was gonna suck. And it did. Not completely, but enough to be labeled a sucky day. From the rainy gray sky, right down to my disappointing cup of noodles I had for lunch. I mean really, does it get more depressing than cup of noodles? Lucky for me I was able to leave at 3. Cut my losses and go. 

How do you end a day of blah? With a torture session at the gym of course. I guess it won't really be that bad, I am not able to actually do anything but sit on the recumbent bike and peddle at a somewhat slow pace - thank you L5 S1. I aggravated my disc again a couple weeks ago (right after joining the gym for the 3rd time), so I haven't been able to do much. I'm feeling up to barely trying though so I'm gonna give it a shot. I'm going with J though, which means I could get stuck there for a very long time. If I wanted to play the martyr I could walk home (or threaten to walk home), but I'm going to try to be a good wife and stick it out. I know his workouts are important to him. He says he does it all for me but come on, really? I love him regardless of how full of muscles he is.

I do think I'm going to bake some cookies when I get home in an effort to eliminate any good I may have done at the gym. My only real hurdle to baking cookies is deciding Chocolate Chip or Oatmeal Raisin. I'm leaning towards Oatmeal Raisin. It sounds healthier. It's not, but it sounds that way. Sometimes the illusion is all I need.

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