Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring is Here! Maybe...

I went to Walmart on the way home from work to pick up some things we weren't able to get at Costco. Face wash, valerian root, earplugs. I also wanted to get some stuff so I could make a super healthy vegetable soup of my own design. I already had potatoes, carrots, onions and the spices. I just needed some celery, more chicken stock, diced tomatoes and corn. Well - on my way in to Walmart they had the cutest little flowers sitting outside and dangit if I didn't snap up six cartons of whatever type of flower it was. Spent way too much money. Again. 

So I got home, let the pups out in the backyard to play and bark at the construction workers, and threw the soup together. J was at the gym so I set the stove to low and went outside to plant my flowers. They are beautiful! I got blue and purple - two colors always missing from my front flower beds, along with the lack of flowers in my flower beds...we just have a bunch of bushes and shrubs. I planted them in two planters we have sitting out - one on the porch and one by the steps. 

While working I chatted with Kelly, our next door neighbor. She and her husband and two girls moved in a few months after we did and they are really the only neighbors we talk to on a regular basis. Well, Kelly lost her Miniature Schnauzer Zippy a couple weeks ago, but Letty - their long-haired dachshund - was out with her and that little girl is TERRIFIED of strangers. We've met on numerous occasions of course, but you can't expect someone that cute to remember me from one moment to the next. She clung to Kelly as though her life depended on it. When Kelly let her down, Letty pooped on our front lawn. Classy move there Letty. But she got what she wanted, Kelly took her back into the house. 

Anyways, I'm happy that Spring is on it's way and hopefully Ma Nature doesn't kill my flowers. I do a good enough job of that on my own without her help. Maybe 2014's the year I learn how to grow stuff though?

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