Thursday, March 27, 2014

To Everything

Turn, turn, turn. There is a Season. Turn, turn, turn. True story.

I drive past the SLC airport every day on my way to and from work. This morning as I drove by, I was reminded of my first flight.

I was 21 and I had been called to Arkansas to testify in a divorce hearing. My parents divorce hearing. I was nervous about the flight, though it was a full year before 9/11. I remember paying less than $200 for the round trip, and having to almost threaten to quit work because they were giving me a hard time about getting the time off. I had to have a document faxed to them to prove why I was leaving. Gosh, I hated that job. I can't believe I stayed there for 11 years.

Anyways, my Grandpa Hale said he'd take me to the airport for my 6am flight. My Grandma insisted that I spend the night at their home, and I remember her scurrying in to wake me up at 4. I wonder if scurrying is the right word. Grandma was a little thing. Like, little. Tiny. She had this way of walking, like she was in a hurry but not in a hurry at the same time. Calm urgency maybe? She woke me up and while I got ready for the day, she made me breakfast. After sitting down to eat, she calmly but urgently came up next to me and pressed a $20 bill into my hand. 'If you want a sandwich' she said. I tried to refuse, but you don't refuse gifts in the Hale family. At least, not monetary gifts. I've learned this. So I took the money, put it in my pocket and she whispered, again with calm urgency, 'Don't tell Richard (my Grandpa), he doesn't need to know'. Secrets Grandma? She left the kitchen to finish getting herself ready for the 45 minute drive to the airport.

Enter Grandpa. My Grandpa always wore a white t-shirt and blue-jeans. He'd throw on a plaid button down if he was going into public, but at home it was always a white t-shirt. He also had an impressive belly. Not fat really, just interestingly shaped for a male. I remember taking a friend over to their home once and Grandpa walked through the kitchen. When he left Grandma said 'Oh, I'm so embarrassed....he looks like a pregnant man'. So - Grandpa came into the kitchen, got his coffee and settled down at the table but not before taking out his wallet. He pulled out a crisp $50 and pushed it across the table and said 'You'll need some money for a sandwich. Don't go tellin' your Grandma, what she doesn't know won't kill her'.


First of all, I'm not entirely sure either of them had a firm grasp on how much a sandwich costs. Sure, it's an airport, but still - $10 tops for an impressive sandwich I'm thinking.

Second - they had both forbidden me from telling the other about my lunch money. I was then $70 richer (I actually did have my own money for a sandwich) and felt terribly guilty about taking the money. They weren't poor and they didn't need the money, it was just the principle of the thing.

So I slipped the money into my pocket, said thank you, and kept eating my breakfast.

Grandpa and Grandma and I loaded up into the truck and they drove me to the airport. This was back when they could accompany me to the gate, so they did and we all sat there waiting for the plane to board. When my time came I grabbed my carry-on and gave them both a hug and a kiss. Each of them whispered to have a good time and get a healthy sandwich, and stood at the window until my plane pulled away from the terminal.

Turns out flying makes me sick so I never got those sandwiches. I did however buy a nice black blazer that I still have to this day and I think of them every time I wear it.

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